Sunday, December 27, 2009


I have a plastic dinosaur that will be keeping us company in our cabin on the MV Explorer. This idea came from someone who carried a smaller rubber one in her pocket at all times as a reminder to not take herself too seriously. She kept a supply to give out to others who were deemed to need the same reminder. My dinosaur will be a reminder to me to try to give up control of things I can't control. As my wife reminded me when we first visited Disney World together, "you must be willing to suspend disbelief". So now, I need to suspend control. It's not that I want to control everything--just those things that affect me.

I just finished reading a book that my student assistants and colleagues gave me as part of a bon voyage package. The book, By the Seat of My Pants: Humorous Tales of Travel and Midadventure, has some amazing tales of travel. Many of the experiences came from serendipity and willingness to take a few chances and interact with strangers. I'm definitely going to try to talk to strangers because as I prepare for this trip, I keep thinking about the international travelers that come into our library and how we can make a difference in their lives. The book also reminds me that even the misadventures can make for some interesting stories and memories.

Did I mention that my dinosaur has a plastic lion friend? I'm hoping he will meet a new friend along the way and become a citizen of a foreign land.

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